
DIO HORIA GALLERY was founded in 2015 in Mykonos as an international residency program and a contemporary art platform that resisted to the commodification of Mykonos. In 2020 it re-introduced itself as a commercial art gallery based in Athens, working dynamically in the field of contemporary art in Greece. The gallery is housed in the center of Athens, right next to the Acropolis Museum, in the place of a 4th c. AD villa Urbana of the Late Antiquity, where contemporary artworks are presented next to and in dialogue with, old ruins discovered on site.


The gallery is run by Marina Vranopoulou curator and general coordinator of DESTE Foundation, Hydra Slaughterhouse Projects for 15 years. During the gallery’s function, Dio Horia has introduced various artists from the Balkan countries (and other small peripheral countries) to the world, through their extensive publication program, their participation in international art fairs with the deliberate presentation of previously unknown artists to each specific audience, and through their several placements in Museums around the world. In addition, the gallery has introduced to the Greek public numerous artistic currents, mainly through its residency program that focuses at mid-career American artists and at cross generational,  international women artists.


Please head for the page 'Exhibitions' or 'Artists'  for more information.