ART ATHINA, 2024: Chris Akordalitis, Maja Djordjevic, Elias Kafouros, Laure Mary, Ally Rosenberg, The Callas

19 - 23 September 2024 
Booth #L6 Zappeion Megaron, Vasilisis Olgas Avenue, 105 57 September 19-23, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 9pm
For the thirty-first edition of Art Athina Fair, Dio Horia Gallery will proudly present works by: Greek artists Elias Kafouros and The Callas, Cypriot artist Chris Akordalitis, French artist Laure Mary, British artist Ally Rosenberg and Serbian artist Maja Djordjevic. The above group of artists will be celebrating their multicoloured European identities while bringing forward features of contemporary life and issues of cultural homogenisation.
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