In his new exhibition, Descending, Jason REVOK presents the downward spiral of chaos and disorder, currently experienced in our society.
Dio Horia gallery is excited to announce Jason REVOK’s solo exhibition, Descending,in the gallery’s main space in Mykonos. The exhibition includes paintings from the artist’s spirograph series. The exhibition explores the spiraling loop patterns of the works and through them,observes the current moment in our society of descending into a downward spiral of chaos, disorder and overwhelming negativity.This is REVOK’s first solo exhibition in Greece. The exhibition opens on August 17 and ends on September 15. American artist Jason (REVOK) Williams is known for his modest materials, industrial tools, ingenuity, his famous graffiti past,his performative pieces and most importantly, for his proclivity towards minimalism and post-painterly abstraction.REVOK’s work is not about the gestures associated with a lot of abstract art and action-painting, nor is it about the non-art,handmade tools used to create works,not even about their outcome.For REVOK,the driving force behind his practice is the examination of the question of authorship from start to finish:the ongoing cycle ofcreation and loss that is part of a larger ongoing system of life and death,that infinitely repeats itself over and over in a perpetual loop.Through his creative process REVOK observes from a detached larger perspective,thiscycle of destruction and rebirth that moves slowly and steadily towards what will eventually be,and back again to what has always been and towards what always will be;in perpetual motion of an ongoing loop.REVOK essentially reproduces the perspective of some kind of ‘deity’ that sees the universe from a distance and perceives it as a continuous passage from chaos,to form,into chaos.Technically, REVOK constructs scaled-upwooden structures of wheels and rings that leave their marks on his canvasses; the marks of concentric randomness, of a nuclear center that forever attracts us and eludes us.These markings create roulette curve paintings ofendless mesmerizing spirals on circular panels. Spray paint is used to contradict the meditative, peaceful design of the spirals and add imperfections that will purposely,disrupt the harmony of the pieces and offer their viewer,a chance toacknowledge the visual language created in the artwork’s space. Speaking of imperfections, by naming the exhibition Descending and presenting this new series of works in Mykonos, a small cosmopolitan island far away from America,REVOK examines and comments on the current moment of descending into a downward spiral of chaos and disorder in the global community.